Design compiler for complex engineering

AI-Driven CAD that’s 10X the speed

Real parametric design and versioning for an entire mechatronic system

Our first product, SwiftHW, is a declarative, domain-specific language that allows physical products to be specified programmatically. SwiftHW accelerates development cycles by dramatically reducing the time between iterations:

  • A true Github for hardware: The implementation of branching, merging, diffs, and commits brings the functionality seen in software development to hardware engineering.

  • Real Parametric Design: Automatically recompile designs as constraints are updated.

  • One tool for an entire electro-mechanical system: Mechanical and electronic CAD is now in one workflow instead of split across the likes of Solidworks, Altium, Cadence, etc. 

We’re giving everyone, regardless of their background in hardware engineering, the ability to design hardware systems that previously would have only been possible by a large team of engineers. Each license of SILSYNC starts at $80 month per seat.